What is AWANA ...
Awana is a children’s Bible club whose main emphasis is learning the word of God. The acronym AWANA comes from the first letters of: Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, derived from 2 Timothy 2:15. Children are grouped by grades into three clubs:
- Cubbies: ages 3 and 4.
- Sparks: kindergarten to 2nd grade.
- Truth and Training (T&T): 3rd grade to 5th grade.
The program consists of Welcome Time (usually a puppet show,) Story Time, Book Time, Arts and Craft, Play Time, and Singing Time. The duration is 1.5 hours. The programs for Sparks and T&T's are arranged into three blocks: Handbook Time, Large Group Time, and Game Time. The duration is 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Large-group Time
The clubbers listen to a Bible message. During the message segment, the clubbers interact with the speaker with questions and answers. Occasionally, the clubbers have the opportunity to share with the rest of the group. When there is time left, there will be a singing segment where thec hildren use songs to worship the Lord.
Game Time
Clubbers enjoy fun and games on the unique Awana Game Circle. They are divided into teams that compete with each other on individual and group games. They are scored not only for winning the games, they are also rewarded for their team cheering, good sportsmanship, and good behaviors.
More Information ...
You are encouraged to read the handbook to learn more details about the AWANA program.
This is for children 3 - 4 years of age. The Cubbies club is specially designed to reach preschoolers with lots of stories, lively games, puppets, arts, and crafts. Two books, Jumper and Hopper, are used in alternating years to teach basic truths about God, Jesus, sin and salvation. Listed below is a typical program schedule:
Time | Location | Activity |
7:15 pm | Agape | Arriving |
7:30 pm - 7:35 pm | Agape | Opening Ceremony |
7:40 pm | Room 204 | Greeting and Puppet Show |
7:45 pm | Room 204 | Story Time |
8:00 pm | Room 204 | Book Time and Art/Craft |
8:25 pm | Room 206 | Play Time: non-competitive games |
8:45 pm | Restrooms | Washing hands and Toileting |
8:50 pm | Room 204 | Singing Time |
9:00 pm | Room 204 | Pray & Refreshments. Going home. |
This is for children from kindergarten to 2nd grade. The Sparks club meetings combine learning with fun to create an atmosphere of excitement for churched and unchurched kids alike. Club meetings are divided into three segments:
- Bible teaching, worship, award presentations and the gospel message.
- Small group interaction and completion of Bible-based lessons.
- Age-appropriate games on the Awana game circle.
Listed below is a typical program schedule:
Time | Location | Activity |
7:15 pm | Agape | Arriving |
7:30 pm - 7:35 pm | Agape | Opening Ceremony |
7:40 pm - 8:10 pm | 2nd floor | Book Time |
8:15 pm - 8:40 pm | Agape | Large-group Time |
8:45 pm - 9:10 pm | Fellowship Hall | Game Time |
9:10 pm - 9:15 pm | Fellowship Hall | Closing Ceremony |
9:20 pm | Fellowship Hall | Refreshments. Check-out. |
T&T stands for Truth and Training. This is for children from 3rd grade to 5th grade. Boys and girls will embark on The Ultimate
Adventure which is the Christian's relationship with Jesus Christ. Clubbers will know and understand the Truth of God's Word and will undergo Training to serve Him in their daily lives. Working through three different handbooks, each focusing on different truths of God's word, they will learn the answers to critical questions like:
- Who is God?
- Who is the Lord Jesus Christ?
- Why did God give us the Bible?
- How does God want me to live my life?
Listed below is a typical program schedule:
Time | Location | Activity |
7:15 pm | Agape | Arriving |
7:30 pm - 7:35 pm | Agape | Opening Ceremony |
7:40 pm - 8:10 pm | 1st & 2nd floors | Book Time |
8:15 pm - 8:40 pm | Fellowship Hall | Game Time |
8:45 pm - 9:10 pm | Agape | Large-group Time |
9:10 pm - 9:15 pm | Agape | Closing Ceremony |
9:20 pm | Fellowship Hall | Refreshments. Check-out. |
Your Involvement
The success of your child’s Awana year depends upon your involvement. Here are some ways to help your child and their peers have a great Awana year:
- Help your child pass two to three handbook sections each week: help him/her memorize the Bible passages at home; help him/her understand and apply each memory verse.
- Keep an eye out for emails sent to the ccicmv_awana_parents group.
- Encourage your child to bring their friends to AWANA, Sunday worship, or other church events.
- Sign up for the required parent duties.
Grand Prix is a special AWANA activity of designing, building, and racing pinewood cars. Children will design the cars. They will build the cars with help from their parents. This special activity provides ample bonding opportunities between parents and children. A car competes in two categories: speed and design. The following documents describe more about AWANA GrandPrix:
Below is an excerpt of the race on 3/28/2014. It was very fun! ( link )
Here is a short clip of building and racing of Grand Prix cars: ( link )